
søndag 22. februar 2015

Carry-on Travel Essentials

In exactly a week I will be in the sun at Tenerife, and this made me think what do I need to pack? I love to travel, and I want to make every trip as easy as possible, also when it comes to my carry-on luggage. That is why I decided to make a post of what I usually bring with me whenever I travel by plane.

The most important things:

1. Phone, 2. Passport, 3. Wallet (including cash, debit card and credit card)


1. iPad, 2. Charger, 3. Notebook, 4. Book

1. Pocketbac, 2. Scrunchie, 3. Tangle Teezer, 4.Lip Balm, 5. Hand Cream, 6. Deodorant

These are the things I consider most important to bring with me. What are some of yours?

- Yara

fredag 20. februar 2015

The Liebster Award

I have been nominated for the Liebster Award by the lovely Ivy, thank you so much! This is an award to help promote other blogs so they can get new followers, and I think it's a lovely idea!

It's for smaller blogger only and these are the rules:
•Thank the person who nominated you.
•Answer the nominated questions.
•Create 11 questions.
•Nominate 11 people.
•Notify the nominees by social media.

 My nominated questions:
1. If you had a thousand pounds to spend on either makeup or clothes, which would you choose?
2. Where is your happy place?
3. Favourite nail polishes?
4. Is there anything you dislike about blogging?
5. Favourite lip balm/treatment?
6. Twitter, Facebook or Instagram?
7. Who inspires you?
8. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
9. What do you see yourself doing in 5 years time?
10. If you could have dinner with 3 celebrities, who would they be?
11. Favourite high street store?

1. If you had a thousand pounds to spend on either makeup or clothes, which would you choose? 
I would definitely go for the clothes as I barely wear make up, and I'm in love with clothes!

2. Where is your happy place? 
London. Whenever I'm there, all worries vanish.

3. Favourite nail polishes? 
Essie and O.P.I.

4. Is there anything you dislike about blogging? 
When I'm out of ideas.

5. Favourite lip balm/treatment? 

6. Twitter, Facebook or Instagram? 
Instagram, definitely. My place.

7. Who inspires you? 
So many people on Instagram and in the blog world. I don't have anyone in particular at the moment.

8. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? 
Probably England. Love that country.

9. What do you see yourself doing in 5 years time? 
I have no idea. Just want to be happy.

10. If you could have dinner with 3 celebrities, who would they be? 
I can't come up with anyone!

11. Favourite high street store?
Topshop for sure. I can't walk out of there without having bought something...

Now, I nominate...

Amber Luise

And these are the questions you have to answer:
1. Why did you start blogging?
2. Would you rather have free food for two years or free clothes for one year?
3. Favorite store?
4. What is your favorite tv show, and why?
5. Dressy or casual?
6. What song makes you super happy?
7. If you could have super power, what would it be?
8. What is something you would like to wear, but you haven't got the courage to?
9. Interior or clothes?
10. What is your favorite type of blog post?
11. Where do you see your blog in 2 years time?

Thank you so much for reading this!

- Yara

mandag 16. februar 2015


I don't like mondays that much, so I'll leave you with this:

- Yara

lørdag 14. februar 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!

Or happy single awareness day! Either way, I hope it's a good day. That's what matters, right? And it helps that it's saturday as well.

I've been eating heart shaped candy and kissed my boyfriend lots of times. I feel like that's the perfect thing to do today. Later on we'll probably eat and watch something stupid on tv!

Have a nice Valentine's!

- Yara

Meet my slippers

For some reason I felt like I really needed these slippers as soon as I saw them in the store, and my boyfriend decided it would be the perfect gift for me! So I went home with these two bears, Teddie and Eddie, and they are so comfy. When I'm at home, I usually wear pretty chill clothing, so this is just fantastic.

Pretty sweet.

Hopefully I'll be posting lots of things in the future. This entry was just to get me started with this blog. I hope you'll follow me on this blog!

- Yara

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